Simple Boolean Expression Manipulation in Java

I’ve worked on a couple projects recently where I needed to be able to do some lightweight propositional expression manipulation in Java.  Specifically, I wanted to be able to:

  • Let a user input simple logical expressions, and parse them into Java data structures
  • Evaluate the truth of the statement given values for each variable
  • Incrementally update the expression as values are assigned to the variables
  • If the statement given some variable assignments is not definitively true or false, show which terms remain.
  • Perform basic simplification of redundant terms (full satisfiability is of course NP hard, so this would only include basic simplification)

I couldn’t find a Java library which made this particularly easy; a couple stackoverflow questions I found didn’t have any particularly easy solutions.  I decided to take a shot at implementing a basic library.  The result is on GitHub as the jbool_expressions library.

(most of the rest of this is copied from the README, so feel free to read it there.)

Using the library, a basic propositional expression is built out of the types And, Or, Not, Variable and Literal. All of these extend the base type Expression.  An Expression can be built programatically:

    Expression expr = And.of(
        Or.of(Variable.of("C"), Not.of(Variable.of("C"))));

or by parsing a string:

    Expression expr =
        ExprParser.parse("( ( (! C) | C) & A & B)");

The expression is the same either way:

    ((!C | C) & A & B)

We can do some basic simplification to eliminate the redundant terms:

    Expression simplified = RuleSet.simplify(expr);

to see the redundant terms are simplified to “true”:

    (A & B)

We can assign a value to one of the variables, and see that the expression is simplified after assigning “A” a value:

    Expression halfAssigned = RuleSet.assign(
        Collections.singletonMap("A", true)

We can see the remaining expression:


If we assign a value to the remaining variable, we can see the expression evaluate to a literal:

    Expression resolved = RuleSet.assign(
         Collections.singletonMap("B", true)

All expressions are immutable (we got a new expression back each time we performed an operation), so we can see that the original expression is unmodified:

    ((!C | C) & A & B)

Expressions can also be converted to sum-of-products form:

    Expression nonStandard = PrefixParser.parse(
        "(* (+ A B) (+ C D))"


    Expression sopForm = RuleSet.toSop(nonStandard);
    ((A | B) & (C | D))
    ((A & C) | (A & D) | (B & C) | (B & D))

You can build the library yourself or grab it via maven:


Happy to hear any feedback / bugs / improvements etc. I’d also be interested in hearing how other people have dealt with this problem, and if there are any better libraries out there.

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